Annual Events

Mid February
Casino Night benefiting the Miracle League of Arizona.
Guests try their luck at Black Jack, Roulette, Let-It-Ride, and Craps, with the opportunity to bu, donate and purchase more cards at any time during the evening. The event also features a silent auction, lucky punch game, and raffle.
$75 Entry, with Sponsorship Opportunities Available
Guest must be 21yrs of age
100% of Proceeds Go the The Miracle League of Arizona

Spring/ Late April
Miracle League of Arizona All-Star Game. We were thrilled to host an annual All-Star Game for players already participating in the league. Games organized by age group, and an adapted home run derby for all to take part in.
The evening of fun features All-Star jerseys for players, skills competitions, corn toss, souvenirs, face painting, hot dogs, and more!

Fall/ Late September
Miracle League of Arizona Wiffleball World Series. A co-ed, single elimination wiffleball tournament to raise funds for the program. Teams of corporates, non-profits, and friends of league battle at our ballpark for the trophy each year.
You must have a minimum of 8 players, 2 of which must be female.
$1,000 for Corporate Teams, and $800 for Non-profits or Individuals
Additional sponsorships available
100% of proceeds go to the league.

Waste Management Phoenix Open Birdies for Charity Program. We are fortunate to partner up with Thunderbirds Charities for this easy and fun program. Every birdie at the tournament equals money for our cause. Participants can make a per birdie pledge or a one-time donation to the Miracle League of Arizona. A percentagebonus is available from Thunderbirds Charities for reaching a set pledges and gifts.
We appreciate everyone’s 2 cents with this effort!